Change default window size windows 10
Change default window size windows 10

change default window size windows 10 change default window size windows 10

Tip: In Windows 10 version 1903, there are a number of changes were made to the built-in console subsystem of the operating system.

  • Open the required command prompt window, elevated command prompt, PowerShell, or WSL you want to restore the default behavior for.
  • To make the console window remember its position, This will make the console start at the current location next time you open it.
  • Under Window position, turn off the option Let system position windows box, and click OK.
  • Right-click on the title bar of its window and select Properties from the context menu.
  • Move the console window to the desired location on the screen.
  • Open the required command prompt window, elevated command prompt, PowerShell, or WSL you want to apply a custom window position to.
  • To change the default console window position in Windows 10, do the following. This way, PowerShell, WSL, and the command prompt may have their own independent settings. if you have multiple command prompt shortcuts, you can change the default console window position for each of them individually. It will be set for the specific shortcut you used to open a console instance. Using them, you can change the foreground and background terminal colors of a console window, and more.Īlso, it is possible to to customize the default window position a console window for your user account. In Windows 10 Build 18298, which represents the upcoming 19H1 feature update, also known as version 1903, you will find a set of new options of the console. Windows Console subsystem is utilized by certain built-in apps of Windows 10, including the Command Prompt, PowerShell, and WSL.

    Change default window size windows 10